

2009-04-04 15-24-25_0018xsd.jpg Synchronized Happenings.

Printable Manual is available: * in HTML * in PDF
RoboForm Version. The manual applies to RoboForm version 6.9.93 and later.
Installing RoboForm
Requirements. RoboForm works on Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista systems. It does not work on Mac and Linux. Internet Explorer version 5.5, 6.0 or later is required. All Service Packs and security patches must be installed.
Start Download. Click the Download RoboForm link and a popup window will ask "Do you want to Run or Save this file?" or smth like this. Click Run.
Agree to Install RoboForm. Once the download finishes, another popup window will ask "Do you want to run this software? RoboForm2Go by Siber Systems". Click "Yes" and installation will begin.
Language and License Agreement. Select language in which RoboForm will talk to you. Read the License Agreement and agree to it.
Setting Up Personal Data. In this dialog you can change folder where RoboForm Passcards and Identities are stored and where RoboForm should place its program files. You can also request installation of RoboForm Adapter for Mozilla, Firefox and Netscape.
Close any Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows. The RoboForm installer will offer to close all Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows. Click "Yes" and the installer will do it for you. Alternatively you can close these windows manually. If RoboForm keeps asking to close browsers even though you have none left, then click "No" when it asks whether to wait again and allow installation to proceed; in this case you will have to reboot in order to complete installation.
Create Master Password. Master Password is one password that RoboForm uses to protect all Passcards, Identities and Safenotes. This is the only password that you actually need to remember.
Tests and Tutorials. After you finished installing RoboForm, you will be offered a test/tutorial page on which you can learn how to automatically save and fill passwords using RoboForm.
Install, Uninstall, AutoUpdate FAQ. More on install, uninstall, version upgrade, AutoUpdate.
RoboForm Files
RoboForm works with these file types:
Passcard. RoboForm saves online passwords into what we call a Passcard. Once the password is saved, RoboForm will offer to fill it when you visit the login page again.
Bookmark. Same as Netscape bookmark or Internet Explorer Favorite. Has a long text note to be used for site notes. Bookmarks are shown together with Passcards, as they are a variation of Passcards.
Identity. RoboForm can fill long non-password forms (such as registration or checkout form) from your personal profile that we call an Identity. You fill in your Identity once with all your personal data and then RoboForm will enter this data into web page forms for you.
Contact. RoboForm can also be used as an Address Book. Each entry in this Address Book is called a Contact. Contact is an Identity with fewer fields that is not used in form filling, instead it is used to lookup other people personal data. Contacts are shown together with Identities, as Contact is just a small Identity.
Safenote. You can store often used secret and non-secret text fragment in what we call a Safenote. Safenote provides safe storage for important passwords that are not automatically stored in Passcards and for other sensitive or often used information such as ATM passwords and lock key combinations.
Folder. All of the above file can be categorized using Folders -- same as Windows Files Folders. You can build a tree-like structure using folders and stuff it with your Passcards, Bookmarks, Identities, Contacts and Safenotes.
RoboForm ControlsRoboForm adds Toolbar and other controls to your browser.

RoboForm Upper Toolbar
1. Upper Toolbar. Appears above the web page. To show or hide it, click RoboForm button on standard IE toolbar. You may have to click it several times to make Toolbar appear. Or select View -> Toolbars -> RoboForm in IE. The toolbar controls only the browser window in which it appears. RoboForm toolbar is not visible. Why? Why is RF toolbar mixed up with Links (Radio) toolbars? How can I customize the RoboForm toolbar?

RoboForm Lower Toolbar
2. Lower Toolbar. Appears below the web page, follows web page both in position and size. Used in browser windows that cannot have Upper Toolbar -- popup windows in IE, browsers without toolbars (AOL, MSN). Has the same functionality as Upper Toolbar and looks the same. To show it, right-click web page that has no Upper Toolbar and select "RoboForm Toolbar", or click RoboForm Taskbar Icon and select "Show Toolbar". The Lower Toolbar controls only the browser window under which it appears.

RoboForm Taskbar Icon
3. How to Show / Hide Toolbars. Click the Green Robot icon on Standard IE Toolbar to show/hide RoboForm toolbar: * If no toolbar is visible, then Upper toolbar is shown. If Upper toolbar cannot be shown then Lower toolbar is shown. * If Upper or Lower toolbar is visible then it is hidden.
You can also right-click web page and select "RoboForm Toolbar" menu item to show/hide the toolbar. For web pages that cannot be right-clicked, click RoboForm taskbar icon and select "Show Toolbar".
4. Taskbar Icon. Appears in Taskbar (SysTray). It is used: * To make RoboForm work in non-IE browsers that are based on IE (AOL, MSN, etc). * To gain easy access to Passcard/Safenote/Identity list and to RoboForm functions. RF Taskbar icon is not visible in the Windows XP Taskbar. What should I do?

Web Page Context Menu
5. Web Page Context Menu. Appear on web page when you right-click it. Use it when you need to call RoboForm from a web page that has no RF toolbar. How do I customize (get rid of) RoboForm context menu items?
6. Standard IE Toolbar Buttons. Appear in your Standard IE toolbar and IE Tools menu. RoboForm button in this toolbar makes RoboForm toolbar appear and disappear. Other RoboForm buttons may be made visible. How do I customize RoboForm buttons in the Standard IE toolbar?
Passcards (Logins)
Use Passcards to store form data that is specific to the web site that you visit, data such as User IDs, Passwords, Magazine Survey fields, etc. You can save
I have had six very Strange Moments in my life.
Of cause I have had, many more things happening in
my life, but these sex are STRANGE because they


If you drop a coin, is it 50% chance for a particular
side to come up, but after many, many tries is
it possible the coin is standing up. What is the
chance for that?
During my 75 years I have had six
occasions, when something has happened and then
a Synchronized Happening, has saved me from trouble.
Of cause it can be a Synchronised Happening

creating an accident, but these six

have been very lucky for me!




I am not a religious person,

but what is controlling our lives.

This is a true story and very lucky for me.

If you have been in similar situations ,

write to my blog about it.



December 1954

I was doing my military service, in the
Swedish Air force in Ostersund,Sweden.
I was driving to my home in Harnosand.

It was winter and about -15 Degrees Celsius

and I had only my normal uniform and no
extra winter jacket.

Suddenly the engine broke down
and I could see that I needed help to repair it.

It was in a forest, with no houses I could see.
No telephone available and not much traffic.
Two cars on the wrong way passed and then, to my


a big Oldsmobile stopped. Hi Bertil,

My best friend,

when he got out of the car.
He was on his way to a place about 2 miles north
with a passenger.

It was the first time and also the only time

he had a transport to that place!!!!!!!!

The car was owned
by my friends boss and my friend was asked to

make the transport.

How strange that he happened to be there,

just when I really needed his help

Half an hour later we
started the towing to our hometown, 25 miles away.

What is the chance for this?

This is really a Synchronized Happening!


February 1972

I was working for British Petroleum from 1970-73
in Nigeria, West Africa.
I started to fly and got my PPL, (Private Pilots Licence)
in 1971. I lived in the capital Lagos and travelled
upcountry a lot.

The airfield, we used was close to the
beach. To rent a plane for travelling in the country,
was very convenient and good training.
My teacher in the Flying School was from Pakistan
and toughed me a lot, about Advanced flying.
The plain I used was a Cessna 150 Aerobatics.

The Flying Club had ordered a new

Piper Cherokee PA 28.

One day it arrived and I was the first to have a
check out, on the plane.
Together with the teacher I made the checkout and
I specially remember when he said. This low winged
airplane, you can see down into the tanks,
to control, that you have sufficient with fuel.
I looked into the
tanks and could see fuel.

I changed tank in the air.

We took off and during one hour made the check.
I really loved the plane and later I bought a similar
aircraft back in Sweden.

After one hour flying we landed
and the teacher got off and told me to fly, about
half an hour alone and I was checked out.

I took off and after 20 minutes I was ready to
make one or two touch and go.
The teacher called me on the radio and he had
to fly up to the international airfield.

I made a 360 degrees turnI

to give him space to take off.

I entered the downwind leg and made a good landing.
When I pushed the throttle, to make one more take off,

the engine stopped.!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fuel instruments, both were
showing almost half full. A check later on,
was showing that they were fitted the wrong way.

I was safely on the ground and realised that.

if I had not made the 360 degrees turn,
the engine should have stopped in the air



Guaranteed Real Visitors, FREE

This was ny second time with Synchronized Happening .

Is it perhaps a GUARDING ANGEL

locking after me?


1 comment:

  1. It is so good you wrote down what happend to you. What are you a lucky man having this guardian-angels.


About Me

My photo
74 years old retired Born in Sweden and have lived in Spain 22 years. Computer programmer for 20 years. Playing keyboard and having a recording studio.